Finding a Good Horse Shipper
R & J Livestock, LLC is our current shipper that we use.
Josie and Rick
Fully Licensed and Insured
Characteristics of a good horse shipper:
Disinfection of the trailer after transporting every horse.
How often do you stop? A good shipper should stop every three to four hours.
During stops, horses are allowed to regain their legs by standing still/resting for 40 minutes or so.
Fresh water is offered during stops
Well insured individual and for their transport
Easy access to medical kit on his trailer.
Horse savvy with years of experience.
Shippers will understand and have the experience to put your horse in a box stall if needed.
When hauled in a box stall the horses should not have a halter on.
Trailers should be free of anything that could be dangerous to the horse
Horses are tied so that horse's head is positioned to breathe properly but not too loosely to be a danger to himself.
Horses should be sent to their new home with hay & grain, which they are used to eating.